Walk the Line by Lee Whittaker & Vassilis Theotokis for Also Journal
Publication: Also Journal – Walk the Line / Model: Katie Neels Photographer: Lee Whittaker / Beauty Artist: Vassilis Theotokis
Publication: Also Journal – Walk the Line / Model: Katie Neels Photographer: Lee Whittaker / Beauty Artist: Vassilis Theotokis
Lovesome Magazine June 2017: The Saturday Night Model: Rosa Van Berckel / Photographer / Stylist: Mathilda Bernmark
One Magazine US Online Winter 2017: Shadow Play Model: Phoenix Anderson / Photographer: Nadia Ryder Hair Stylist: Moe Mukai / Makeup Artist: Crystabel Riley
Publication: Models.com MDX May 2017 Model: Alek Wek / Fashion Editor: Bernat Buscato Photographer: Txema Yeste / Photography Assistants: Sergi Hernan, Robyn Schmidt Hair Stylist: Lacy Redway / Makeup Artist: Tyron Machhausen Nail Artist: Natalie Pavloski / Set Designer: Chad Dziewior
Uber den Wolken Kickstarter Campaign: Dance Ritual Designer: Julia Breiter / Location: Barcelona, Spain Photographer: Carlota Guerrero