W Magazine Fall 2023: The Fashion Issue @wmag
Model: Kendall Jenner @kendalljenner
Photographer: Mert Alas @mertalas
Stylist: Marie Chaix @_mariechaix_
Hair Stylist: Benjamin Muller @benjaminmullerhair
Makeup Artist: Thomas de Kluyver using Gucci Beauty @thomasdekluyver
Manicurist: Anatole Rainey using Chanel Le Vernis @anatolerainey
Set Designer: Nicola Scarlino @nicola_scarlino
Casting Director: Piergiorgio Del Moro, Samuel Ellis Scheinman @dmcasting
Clothing & Accessories: Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Courreges
- Kendall Jenner by Robin Galiegue for Vogue Italia April 2023
- Kendall Jenner by Zoe Ghertner for American Vogue March 2023
- Kendall Jenner by Stevie Dance for Pop Magazine Fall-Winter 2022
- Kendall Jenner by Hugo Comte for W Magazine Korea October 2019

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